Ottos Tacos is a little taqueria in East Village that only serves little corn tacos. Otto is not the first name that springs to mind when I think of Mexican food, but at least he knows how to make a good taco. These tacos are much smaller than a burrito meaning that you typically have 3-4 for a meal. This is great because you get to try a number of different tacos in the one sitting.
I love their house made corn tortillas - they are a bit thicker than a typical flour tortilla but only the size of a small saucer. I also love the freshness of the tacos - raw onion, fresh coriander and lime juice with the shrimp and chicken tacos, add avocado for the pork and beef, with chipotle mayo on the side.
The chicken and prawn are the pick of the tacos - both are barbecued and go well with the light, fragrant toppings.
Action shot mid-taco.
Ottos evokes the baja-style Mexican food of southern California. Rather than sitting on a busy Manhattan street, you could be relaxing on Venice beach watching the crazy people and the waves roll in.